Wednesday, 9 January 2013

postheadericon euronews learning world - Education and Media

euronews learning world - Education and Media Tube. Duration : 10.13 Mins. Media technology is everywhere, and of course it is important to teach young people to make the best use of it, to use radio, TV and social networks to step up, voice their concerns, learn new skills and fight for change. *Sierra Leone: equality in the air* At Radio Maria in Sierra Leone, the Girls Making Media Project aims to give female voices a chance to be heard. The project is a three-year initiative launched by PLAN West Africa. The aim is to educate young people about gender inequality, discrimination and violence as well as teach them skills including interviewing, script writing, and radio presentation. Around 25% of the participants in the programme are boys. As well as raising awareness among participants, the project aims to break down gender stereotyping and prejudice in their audience. The project is running in Sierra Leone, Ghana, Liberia and Togo. For more information see "" *Argentina: education in focus* The documentary film, "The Forbidden Education" looks at alternative educational approaches like Montossori and home schooling, and is causing quite a stir in schools across the Spanish-speaking world. The documentary was financed by crowdfunding - around 700 investors contributed to the project which was floated on the internet. It was released simultaneously in 130 cities across 13 countries and viewed by 18000 people the day it was released. The director, German Doin, said: "The movie is born from my ...


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