Tuesday, 8 January 2013

postheadericon ML's Daily Photo Project: Jump Man- 5 yrs.

ML's Daily Photo Project: Jump Man- 5 yrs. Tube. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

The song is Jump Man by Buckethead. I don't think I've ever published this ON an actual Aug. 25th. But this actually works out well. There are so many things I have planned for the final installment. Subscribe for the completion of Jump Man, set for the end of 2013. (Or so. I haven't done the math yet) This is what I hope to be the first track in an ongoing series of photos and music set to my life. I really started this just for me and posted it for friends and other human time lapsers to enjoy. I've been lucky enough to have been picked up on many different websites across the globe, and I thank you all for your views, your comments, and support. I also want to thank all of my friends (current and ones I no longer see) who appear in some photos with me. They were good times, and I will always remember them. I take at LEAST one photo of myself every day. Tattoos, Occasional Haircuts and my cross country trip are the only exceptions. I put up the calendar as an easier way to keep track of the days without having to photoshop in dates later. I don't know why I'm bothering to write anything here anyway. Most people don't read these... Then I get tons of comments asking "Deeeeeerrrp... What song is dis?" c'mon. seriously.... Aaaaanyway.... Youtube is telling me it will be another 46 minutes before this is finished uploading.... Interesting fact: The "Jump man" video file on my computer is 15.26GB. Um...5 is also my lucky number. I was born on the 5th day of the 5th month ...


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