Friday, 11 January 2013

postheadericon Farmville - Minecraft Timelapse - Ep 2

Farmville - Minecraft Timelapse - Ep 2 Tube. Duration : 2.62 Mins.

Please leave a rating if you enjoyed this video! This will be a mini time lapse series where I build a farm and other creative ideas. Leave creative ideas for what I should build next episode to expand my new found city of Farmville... And no, it's not the game on facebook. But that is still fun :) Texture Pack: Song: Noon Artist: Mindthings Facebook: Twitter:

postheadericon California Dreamin' - A Talk with Music Photographer Henry Diltz

California Dreamin' - A Talk with Music Photographer Henry Diltz Video Clips. Duration : 92.52 Mins.

World-renowned music photographer Henry Diltz shows photos and talks about his nearly 50 years as a photographer including the stories behind many of the classic albums, iconic photographs and the music world of California in the 60s and 70s.

postheadericon Think Big: Jay Blakesberg, Photographer

Think Big: Jay Blakesberg, Photographer Tube. Duration : 4.00 Mins.

Jay Blakesberg, a San Francisco-based photographer & filmmaker, discusses the role insurance plays in his production. Learn more about JAM, Jay Blakesberg's 192-page hard back coffee table book of live music photography & extensive quotes from notable musicians: Jay Blakesberg's website: Jay Blakesberg's photography on Facebook

postheadericon Cool Long Exposure Photography Ideas

Cool Long Exposure Photography Ideas Tube. Duration : 7.98 Mins.

As it's the season of doing long exposures (if you're out shooting christmas light and fireworks), here are some ideas that you might want to try out during this festive season and beyond!

postheadericon euronews le mag - "Mord ist mein Geschäft"

euronews le mag - "Mord ist mein Geschäft" Video Clips. Duration : 1.73 Mins. Er war unterwegs auf den dunklen Straßen New Yorks zu Zeiten der Prohibition,- bewaffnet nur mit seiner Kamera und einer Portion Chutzpe beeilte er sich, noch vor der Polizei am Tatort zu sein... Weegee, so das Psydonym des Fotografen Arthur Fellig, lichtete die Toten so ab, wie er sie vorfand. Seine Aufnahmen sind jetzt im International Center of Photography in New York zu sehen.

postheadericon A photographer who is almost hit by a train

A photographer who is almost hit by a train Tube. Duration : 0.40 Mins.

a photographer who is almost hit by a train

postheadericon HEROES and VILLAINS

HEROES and VILLAINS Video Clips. Duration : 3.35 Mins.

Directed, composed, edited, written and co-starring: Mike Diva Also on iTunes: Starring and written by: DeStorm Power Also featuring: Nice Peter - iJustine - MysteryGuitarMan - Fahad - Jessica Berry - Byron Bartlett - Damon Elliott - Dasha Producer and Director of Photography: Jan-Michael Losada Key Grip and Second Camera: John Mijares Production Coordinators/Executive assistants: Tybee Diskin, Reba Buhr Assistant Editor: Ethan Chancer Additional VFX: Young Lee, Tom Antos 2nd Assistant Editor: Ryan Girkins Crafts Services: Lord Xenu without the app: My Facebook: My Twitter: Snail Mail DeStorm Power PO Box 461749 LA, CA 90046 HEROES and VILLAINS HEROES and VILLAINS HEROES and VILLAINS

postheadericon Houston Texans Music Video 2013 Playoff March Texans vs Patriots PDP-(KLG Photography)

Houston Texans Music Video 2013 Playoff March Texans vs Patriots PDP-(KLG Photography) Tube. Duration : 4.00 Mins.

Houston Texans are you ready for some Football Music Video

postheadericon Keira Knightley Just Doesn't Get It

Keira Knightley Just Doesn't Get It Video Clips. Duration : 4.30 Mins.

Keira Knightley isn't in "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" and doesn't know why. Like it? Tweet it: Facebook it: Ask the real Jerry Bruckheimer to watch it: STARRING Beck Bennett as Jerry Bruckheimer Lisa Nova as Keira Knightley Written & Directed by Michael Gallagher --- YOUTUBE: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Business Inquiries Only: --- Director of Photography Layne Pavoggi Edited by Colin Brooker & Michael Gallagher Sound Tremaine Heyhoe © 2011 Totally Sketch. All Rights Reserved.

postheadericon Dundee and Tayside - Thu, 16 Feb, 2012

Dundee and Tayside - Thu, 16 Feb, 2012 Video Clips. Duration : 26.18 Mins.

Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to consider more powers for Scotland if voters reject independence in a referendum. He made the offer in a speech in Edinburgh, where he set out his defence of more than 300 years of political union between Scotland and England. In other news: Fife's fire chief has been offering assurances after Scotland's spending watchdog warned that further financial cuts could put communities at risk; A court's been hearing how three children were hospitalised after taking ADHD drugs from an Angus teenager. In sport: Paul Lawrie, says it would be a massive achievement to secure a European Ryder Cup spot. This international version of STV News at Six is viewable world-wide. It has been edited for rights reasons, which also allows us to keep the programme online after the initial 24-hour broadcast window in the UK has passed. Viewers within the UK who want to watch the full episode 'as broadcast' should select the UK version of the programme. GUIDANCE: Contains flash photography

postheadericon ► PokéMMO - Season 2, Episode 1 (Co-Op Part 18)

► PokéMMO - Season 2, Episode 1 (Co-Op Part 18) Video Clips. Duration : 22.48 Mins.

►►► Enjoy the video? Subscribe! ◄◄◄ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ↓↓↓↓ CLICK HERE! ↓↓↓↓↓ READ DESCRIPTION!! ↓↓↓↓ Season 2 is here! What do you think of the new editing? UPVOTE US! Slamvender Town PokéMMO w/ Chu! After wanting a MMO for us to play together for ages, Chu and I finally find one! POKéMON! THERE IS A POKéMON MMO! CAN YOU BELIEVES IT? NOSTALGIA! :D Chu's Channel Interested in this fantastic MMO? Get it here: The game is very popular and the server is constantly pretty full, so as they add new features and try to make room for expansion, they turn registration on and off. Just bookmark the page and come back to it every so often if registration is closed for you. ----- ----- Thanks for watching!! I appreciate all your support! Stay up to date! Follow us!! ♣ Watch us LIVE! at eposvox or ♣ ♣ Twitter @EposVox ♣ ♣ Twitter @Chu__ ♣ ♣ Our UNBOXINGS & TECH Videos! ♣ ♣ CobraWolf81 - SUB HIM NOW ♣ ♣ Photography & GFX ♣ ♣ Let's Play Together, Epos & Chu Channel ♣ ♣ Chu's Channel ♣ Minecraft server hosting provided by: ----- Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by ----- The Bros: mVito: EposVox: Ditty: BBK DRAGOON: Mr ...

postheadericon Codex takes matters into her own hands - The Guild Season 6, Episode 12 - End Game

Codex takes matters into her own hands - The Guild Season 6, Episode 12 - End Game Tube. Duration : 9.02 Mins.

Floyd and the Game team weather the riot outside Game HQ as the Guildies work together to save the day. The Game HQ was filmed on location at Lacy Studio Lofts. Check out their creative spaces for live/work solutions & additional locations! Chat about The Guild! ‪http Subscribe to Geek and Sundry: ‪ Join our community at: ‪ BUY GUILD STUFF: Comic Book: ‪‪ NEW S6 T-Shirts!!! : ‪‪ CONNECT WITH THE GUILD: ‪‪ ‪‪ ‪‪‬‬ Official Fan Podcast ‪‪‬‬ STARRING (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER) Vincent Caso Felicia Day Jeff Lewis Amy Okuda Sandeep Parikh Robin Thorsen ALSO STARRING Sujata Day Justine Ezarik Alexandra Hoover Ted Michaels DIRECTED BY Chris Preksta WRITTEN BY Felicia Day EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS Felicia Day, Kim Evey PRODUCED BY Jeff Winkler ASSOCIATE PRODUCER Jane Selle Morgan LINE PRODUCER Sarah Donohue, Thomai Hatsios SUPERVISING EDITOR Nick Towle EDITOR James Deuling CASTING BY Helen Geier, Kendra Shay Clark DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Chris Darnell PROD. DESIGNER PROPS Greg Aronowitz ADDITIONAL WRITING BY Jeff Lewis SECOND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Brian Kameoka PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Lindsey Koens SCRIPT SUPERVISOR Magan Rutledge "B" CAMERA OPERATOR Stephen Tringali FIRST ASSISTANT "A" CAMERA Chris Geukens SECOND ASSISTANT CAMERA Dan Cooper FIRST ASSISTNAT "B" CAMERA Keon Javanshir DIGITAL IMAGING TECHNICIAN Tyler Owens CAMERA PA Matthew Grenier SOUND MIXER Sean Oakley BOOM ...


KILLER GREEN ANACONDA Video Clips. Duration : 4.08 Mins.

VISIT RYAN BOLTON'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL The Green Anaconda is considered the largest snake in the world. It can grow up to 29 feet and weigh more 500 Lbs. It's also very deadly. So why would anyone, unarmed, want to be so close to one in the wild that it might try to kill you? Well if you are conservation biologist named Ryan Bolton, you would do it to get some good video! Ryan says he wants to raise awareness and appreciation for earth's wildlife but came to the conclusion that boring scientific essays will not do it. So, he taught himself photography and started taking pictures of animals from all over the world. (see his photos on his website here ) It was in his pursuit of documenting wildlife that he came across a giant Green Anaconda. "I was in Peru," he told me. "I heard from the locals that there was a palm swamp where green anacondas had been spotted. So I spent everyday for two weeks going out to this palm swamp paddling around in this dug out canoe that was half full of water." One day when Ryan was out paddling around in the palm swamp, he saw something through the jungle. It was a 20 foot Green Anaconda. Ryan took a few pictures from a distance but the snake moved into the water. Ryan didn't want to test his luck, so he headed back to where he was staying thinking that would be the end of it. But no sooner did he get to his room than he started planning his return. He wanted better pictures and knew this was probably the ...

postheadericon Make a successful Photography Portfolio

Make a successful Photography Portfolio Video Clips. Duration : 7.33 Mins.

Win clients and work - 5 tips to create a successful photography portfolio. Get feedback on your portfolio here: (leads to ) _______________________________ That Nikon Guy! Subscribe: Community Forum: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Official Website: _______________________________ Get Your Gear Out! Workshops T-Shirts: Mailing List: _______________________________ My Second Channel Photography Supplies Australia | Digital Camera Warehouse: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Adorama: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Amazon:

postheadericon TUTORIAL - Video in HDR - After Effects & Premiere - di Dagan Mind

TUTORIAL - Video in HDR - After Effects & Premiere - di Dagan Mind Video Clips. Duration : 3.03 Mins.

Aiutatemi a far crescere il progetto cliccando sul tasto ISCRIVITI e fatemi sapere che ne pensate lasciando un COMMENTO seguito da un bel mi PIACE :D Oggi attraverso questo video imparerete come simulare lo stile dell HDR - High Dynamic Range (Ampia Gamma Dinamica), in un video attraverso delle semplici correzioni applicabili su After Effects o Premiere. Per qualsiasi dubbio/domanda/richiesta non aspettate CONTATTATEMI !!! LINK UTILI CALL ME - l'ultimo cortometraggio dove ho applicato questa tecnica cercando di esagerarla il più possibile - Ringrazio Niccolò Granieri per la sottotitolazione in inglese CONTATTI EMAIL - FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @daganmind GOOGLE+ -

postheadericon Canon Lens Production 1

Canon Lens Production 1 Video Clips. Duration : 6.47 Mins.

Making of Canon L Series 500mm F4L IS USM. Part 1 of 3 in the production of expensive camera gear. L series is Canon's Premium lens line featuring fluorite lenses. IS refers to Image Stabilzation build into the lens, and USM refers to Ultrasonic Motor drive that makes focusing faster than older systems. Currently I'm using a Rebel XT, although I'm thinking of upgrading to an XTi or 5DMk2. This 500 with the New 5D would be a sweet combination.

postheadericon [Chillstep] - Vose - Time Has Come (Feat. RomyHarmony)

[Chillstep] - Vose - Time Has Come (Feat. RomyHarmony) Tube. Duration : 5.10 Mins.

► Free Download: ► Image: Another chill release from Vose! Picture is from a friend who does fantastic photography! Been on the look out for more of her photos in the near future. Vose ► Facebook: ► YouTube: ► SoundCloud: ► Beatport: RomyHarmony ► Facebook: ► SoundCloud: ► Beatport: ----------[Follow Underground]----------- ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► SoundCloud: ► Underground Recordings:

postheadericon The Earliest Combat Photographs: 1863-1914

The Earliest Combat Photographs: 1863-1914 Tube. Duration : 12.55 Mins.

I have researched early military photography for a few years online and have found there is no conclusive list of the earliest combat photography and so I have set out to make one. Combat photography can be differentiated from other types of war photography in that the action of battle can be seen occurring in the photograph. The first war photography took place in the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) by an anonymous photographer, but it wasn't until the American Civil War (1861-1865) that the first combat photos were taken. Because of the limitations posed by the time and complexity it took to take a photo in the mid-to-late 1800's made it difficult to obtain images during battles but a few of naval actions did emerge. There was also not a tradition of journalists and artists putting their lives on the line for an image. The overall amount of combat photography before World War One was small, but a few images did emerge from a few courageous and pioneering people. By the time of World War One governments saw the value in having large numbers of photographers to document conflicts for propaganda purposes and improved camera technology allowed combat photographers to routinely capture most iconic images of many conflicts. First war photographs from the Mexican-American War: Documentary excerpt showing first war footage from the Spanish-American War: Possibly the first naval combat footage during the Russo-Japanese War: ...

postheadericon Ben Howard - Only Love (Surprise Flashmob Video)

Ben Howard - Only Love (Surprise Flashmob Video) Tube. Duration : 5.83 Mins.

Buy the Ben Howard album 'Every Kingdom' now: Description: Music video by Ben Howard performing 'Only Love'. Ben agreed to shoot an acoustic version of 'Only Love', only to find out during the recordings that a secret flashmob was set up around this recordings and hundreds of people suddenly appeared from the dark to attend the performance. Location: Vlasstraat, Groningen, The Netherlands Production: Sensu Productions ( Crew: Cas de Zeeuw (producer + director), Jesper Buijvoets (creative director + camera), Walker Pachler (Director of Photography + Camera), Lex Vesseur (camera), Paul Bezuijen (camera), Andres Fouché Valbuena (camera), Bert N...

postheadericon St Vincent - Surgeon from 4AD Session

St Vincent - Surgeon from 4AD Session Tube. Duration : 4.52 Mins.

View the full session at In September of this year, St Vincent took a giant leap forward with the release of third album, Strange Mercy. This time out Annie Clark was to combine her long-celebrated musical virtuosity with ambitious songwriting that ran a gamut of emotional cadences, all the while underpinned by a colourful sense of melody. Recording these songs live for the first time, St Vincent has performed four tracks from Strange Mercy for the tenth visual installment in the 4AD Session series. Shot at Shangri-La Studios in the heart of the Brooklyn film and photography district in Greenpoint, the session was recorded with Annie's new band, Daniel Mintseris (keys), Toko Yasuda (moog) and Matthew Johnson (drums). Given St Vincent's transgression from the underground to the pop spotlight over the course of three studio albums, it's somewhat fitting that Shangri-La host the session having initially earned its name as a secret spot known only through word of mouth. As with all of the sessions in the series, directors Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard filmed the four tracks with a clear artistic vision. In this instance, the inspiration came from an unlikely source -- the memory of seeing a 1968 Shirley Bassey performance of 'This is My Life' on Rai Uno for Italian TV. With that reference point in mind, Annie takes centre stage against the backdrop of a projected live-feed, resplendent in glamorous eye make-up and with her always-impressive guitar work brought clearly ...

postheadericon How to clean a camera lens

How to clean a camera lens Video Clips. Duration : 6.92 Mins.

Lenses often have special coating that can be damaged if it is not done properly. Here I show you the way I clean my lenses safely and to perfection. Hoodman lens cleanse system. In Australia at Camera electronic: In USA at Adorama: Amazon: _______________________________ That Nikon Guy! Subscribe: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @lensporn Official Website: _______________________________ Get Your Gear Out! Workshops T-Shirts: Mailing List: _______________________________ My Second Channel Photography Supplies Australia | Digital Camera Warehouse: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Adorama: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Amazon:

Thursday, 10 January 2013

postheadericon Steampunk Tooth Fairy - Music Video Spot the Differences - Rhett & Link

Steampunk Tooth Fairy - Music Video Spot the Differences - Rhett & Link Tube. Duration : 4.13 Mins.

Spot the differences! ANSWER KEY: Count the # of differences you found and enter that # at SleepBetter's Facebook app to unlock the answer video: Song on iTUNES: Song on AMAZON: Behind-the-Scenes Video: VFX and Editing Behind-the-Scenes: Guidelines/Hints: -------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT COUNTS AS A DIFFERENCE? A purposeful change in the SET, PROPS, or WARDROBE. WHAT DOES NOT COUNT? 1. Any changes in CHOREOGRAPHY are NOT differences. Specifically, body positioning ("after he's knocked out, his legs/head/mouth etc. are different") or timing of body movements (she grabs the cane slightly later in one performance) do not count as differences. There are only TWO exceptions to this guideline, and here are some hints: (1) in one scene, one character is singing on one side but not singing at all on the other, and (2) a box opens during a performance on one side but not the other. 2. Also, A SLIGHT REPOSITIONING of the same item is NOT a difference. For example, the exact way a bedspread or curtain is positioned, or the exact orientation of the same toy truck, or the way the same jacket is lying on the floor-- these are not differences. If the same teddy bear slightly changes positions, that is not a difference. But, if the same teddy bear is wearing a shirt only on one side, that is a difference. A difference counts when you can discern a purposeful alteration. If a picture or object is slightly ...

postheadericon Terraria Time Lapse - 15000 Subscriber Timelapse!

Terraria Time Lapse - 15000 Subscriber Timelapse! Video Clips. Duration : 4.53 Mins.

So yeah, kinda late but I don't care. Sorry if the music or editing is poor, this was kind of rushed. Tell me if you enjoyed this shizzle. Download Link: We all have active twitter accounts now! Links below! Miles - Jack - Joe - Ruari - Will -

postheadericon Henry & Aaron's 7 Steps to Superstardom - ADOPT FOREIGN ORPHANS - DIRECTOR'S CUT

Henry & Aaron's 7 Steps to Superstardom - ADOPT FOREIGN ORPHANS - DIRECTOR'S CUT Video Clips. Duration : 7.57 Mins.

The long-awaited Director's Cut of Adopt Foreign Orphans which reveals what really went on between Aaron and his new boss Dean, after dark. Henry & Aaron's 7 Steps To Superstardom, MOVIE EXTRA WEBFEST'S inaugural web series. Starring: Henry Inglis Aaron McCann James Helm Benj D'Addario Directed by: Zak Hilditch Director of Photography: David Le May Produced by: Lauren Elliott Created by: Henry Inglis and Aaron McCann

postheadericon Transform :: A short film for

Transform :: A short film for Tube. Duration : 9.82 Mins.

This is a short film I made for a guest blog entry on I hope you enjoy it.

postheadericon Cougar Town - Full Moon Fever

Cougar Town - Full Moon Fever Tube. Duration : 21.62 Mins.

Bobby takes an interest in Travis's photography professor.

postheadericon Fairies, Real Fairy Photos, Nature Spirit Photography, Elemental Beings, Real Gnomes & Faeries

Fairies, Real Fairy Photos, Nature Spirit Photography, Elemental Beings, Real Gnomes & Faeries Tube. Duration : 5.63 Mins.

Learn how to see real fairies and elemental beings in your photos and about nature spirit photography. Real fairies - they exist in a completely different dimension to human beings. - nature spirit photos. - nature spirit discussions, research...

postheadericon Project: SERA (A short film by Benjamin Howdeshell)

Project: SERA (A short film by Benjamin Howdeshell) Tube. Duration : 10.75 Mins.

For more subscribe to: Follow us at: @BenHowdeshell Check out the trailer at: Written and Directed by: Benjamin Howdeshell Produced by - Shawn Wallace, Ivy Agregan Starring: Julia Voth, Dennis Keiffer and Victor Webster Edited by: Fernando Villena, Doobie White Director of Photography: Eric Leach Music composed by: Danny Cocke Supervising Sound Editor: James Wearing Executive Producers: Renee Howdeshell, Craig Dewey, Steven Kaminsky

postheadericon Paul Nicklen: Tales of ice-bound wonderlands

Paul Nicklen: Tales of ice-bound wonderlands Tube. Duration : 17.93 Mins. Diving under the Antarctic ice to get close to the much-feared leopard seal, photographer Paul Nicklen found an extraordinary new friend. Share his hilarious, passionate stories of the polar wonderlands, illustrated by glorious images of the animals who live on and under the ice.TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at http

postheadericon Sunset Photo Shoot on the Beach with Model by Arthur St. John

Sunset Photo Shoot on the Beach with Model by Arthur St. John Tube. Duration : 4.73 Mins.

Like me on FaceBook Arthur St. John presents a Sunset Photo Shoot on the Beach with Model Natti Gold. Behind The Scenes in HD. Photographer Arthur St. John Model Natti Gold Hair Stylist & Make-up Artist Erica Cherrelle Behind The Scenes Video Curtis J. Moore Jeanna Kim Behind The Scenes Video Editor Hassan Siddiqui Tobechi Ugwumba Photography Assistant Haleem Oyeyemi Thank you for watching. Arthur St. John Photography & Casting

postheadericon The Mono Jacks - Woman (Official Video)

The Mono Jacks - Woman (Official Video) Tube. Duration : 4.77 Mins.

Music video by The Mono Jacks performing "Woman" - first single from the forthcoming record "Fortunes", out on December, 2011. Watch in HD. Video by: Griffon & Swans Crew Concept, Directing, Photography & Post Production by Vlad Fenesan Barna Nemethi DoP'n'Funky: Andrei Fantana http

postheadericon Global National - Man releases historic photos of Jerusalem

Global National - Man releases historic photos of Jerusalem Video Clips. Duration : 2.58 Mins.

Sun, Jan 6: A family owned photography shop in Jerusalem is bucking the digital trend and showcasing the city's history through black and white snapshots. Paul Johnson has details. For more info, please go to

postheadericon HDR Ep 115: Take & Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey: Adorama Photography TV

HDR Ep 115: Take & Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey: Adorama Photography TV Tube. Duration : 12.17 Mins. Adorama Photography TV Presents Take & Make Great Photos with Gavin Hoey. Join Gavin as he visits the Gatwick Aviation Museum to take photo realistic HDR images. There are many ways to edit your HDR photos and in the second part of the video, Gavin shows you how you to make the ultimate photo real HDR using Photoshop CS6 and Adobe Camera RAW. Adorama Photography TV features talented hosts including Mark Wallace, Gavin Hoey, Joe McNally, Joe DiMaggio, Tamara Lackey, Bryan Peterson, and Rich Harrington. Related Products Featured items from this episode AdoramaTV related episodes To learn more from the Adorama Learning Center Canon 5D Mark 3 Canon 16-35mm f/2.8 Mk2 www.adoramacom Adobe Photoshop CS6 Manfrotto 055 Pro Tripod Canon RS-80N3 cable release If you have questions, share them with us at:

postheadericon Angelo Lumas Photography - Rosee Divine (@Frenchrosebud)

Angelo Lumas Photography - Rosee Divine (@Frenchrosebud) Video Clips. Duration : 2.15 Mins.

postheadericon 10 Things to Help Photographers on G+ - Google+ Photographer's Conference

10 Things to Help Photographers on G+ - Google+ Photographer's Conference Video Clips. Duration : 64.02 Mins. Produced by KelbyTraining http

postheadericon Fos.News 2012

Fos.News 2012 Video Clips. Duration : 3.48 Mins.

2012: Summary of a difficult and full of challenges year for Greece through the lens of Fos photographers. Fos photos News team are: Menelaos Myrillas, Panayiotis Tzamaros, Angeliki Panagiotou, Alexandros Katsis, Konstantinos Tsakalidis, Anna Psaroudaki, Xristos Kosmas, Yiannis Kourtoglou

postheadericon Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden - "Secret Halloween Easter Egg" - Ep. 5.10

Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden - "Secret Halloween Easter Egg" - Ep. 5.10 Video Clips. Duration : 4.07 Mins.

Get a glimpse into the secret world of Sam... replete with love triangles, two-timing, and disapproving friends. Sam chats on the phone with his on-again-off-again fling, before heading out for Halloween. Who the hell is Jackie? Check. Tamsin being bitter? Check. Sam hiding a boner? Check --- Season 1 of OJBG is now in "The Vault"! Don't worry! To get your fix, you can purchase the episodes and the script eBook here: If you're in the DC area, you can watch OJBG on DCTV on Mondays and Saturdays at 10:30pm EDT on Comcast 95 / RCN 10 / Verizon 10! Ultimately, Otessa, the creator of OJBG, believes that Season 2 is a great place to start with the series as it was always envisioned as a better/stronger/bolder season and gives a better sense of the show to come. --- Website: Twitter Facebook: Telly, LA Web Festival, and Webby honoree award winning teen web series following the lives of 18 kids as they grow up and get down in grunge-era Washington DC. "The bad things we do. The things we get caught for--and how they are never the same." --- Directed by Otessa Ghadar Writing credits Otessa Ghadar Episode Cast (in credits order) Roberto Carmino ... Sam Desirae Zentz ... Strawberry Shortcake Kristin Rogers ... Tamsin Episode Crew Produced by Otessa Ghadar .... producer Ashley Mumford .... associate producer Cinematography by Otessa Ghadar (director of photography) Film Editing by Connor Bergeron Production Design by Lis de Tuerk ...

postheadericon Cuba Libre & Mojito World's Best Bartender

Cuba Libre & Mojito World's Best Bartender Tube. Duration : 4.33 Mins.

Artists: Bartender - Alex Shtifanov Dj - Ilya Puzikov (FUNKFORMER) Boy - Igor Cherkassky Girl - Victoria Poltorak Produced by Alyosha Puzikov Directed by Dmitry Efimovich Director of Photography Andrey Katorzhenko 1st AD - Vova Popovichenko 2nd AD - Zhenya Kasperskaya Operator - Dmitry Konchev Artist - Mariya Zaikina Costume - Anastasiya Vishnevskaya Make Up - Elena Dmitrienko Props - Alexandra Kravchenko-Berezhnaya Decorator - Vasily Gritskov Sound Recordist - Dmitry Guydukov Foley Artist - Vitaly Belov Co-producer Rustam Alikulov Edited by Pavel Khanutin Technical Produser & Color Ilya Tsvetkov Sound by Alyosha Puzikov Thanks to Sergey Tarutin Anna Shtukaturova Vladimir Kolomeytsev Gurgen Music by FUNKFORMER (Ilya Puzikov) since TWENTY TWELVE by Puzikov

postheadericon donGURALesko - Mogliśmy Wszystko feat. The Returners

donGURALesko - Mogliśmy Wszystko feat. The Returners Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

donGURALesko : MOGLIŚMY WSZYSTKO music video by głębokiOFF 4 Szpadyzor Records 2012 lyrics : donGURALesko music / scratch : THE RETURNERS director / script / edit : KRZYSZTOF SKONIECZNY director of photography / grading : KACPER FERTACZ starring : JANUSZ CHABIOR & friends from Lisbon costume designer : SARA MILCZAREK production managers : TOMASZ WRÓBEL / ZUZANNA PLISZ & with support of KAROLINA KORTA production : głębokiOFF 4 SZPADYZOR RECORDS 2012 SPECIAL THANKS FOR ALL ACTORS AND SUPPORTERS OF THIS MUSIC VIDEO WHO HELPED US MAKE IT HAPPEN - SAUDADE! Album PROJEKT JEDEN Z ŻYCIA MOMENT do kupienia w sklepach sieci Empik oraz na iw skateshopach na terenie całego kraju.

postheadericon Hatventures - SURPRISE TIMELAPSE Behind The Scenes

Hatventures - SURPRISE TIMELAPSE Behind The Scenes Video Clips. Duration : 6.82 Mins.

The HAT team explain the mystery behind the surprise timelapse. Check out the actual Timelapse here: Save our playlist! Ross was using Ovo's HD Rustic pack found here: Follow us: Frape us: Fan-boy/girl us:

postheadericon Cold Mailman - Time is of the essence

Cold Mailman - Time is of the essence Tube. Duration : 3.83 Mins.

Official music video for Cold Mailman - "Time is of the essence". This is a shortened version of the song. The original song is available on their critically acclaimed second album "Relax; the mountain will come to you" . For more info about Cold Mailman, visit Lyrics: Get the album: CD: mp3: - Director and animator: André Chocron Director of photography: Audun Magnæs Colorist: Camilla Holst Vea at Storyline Studios Conform: Raymond Gangstad Cast: Haugenstua brl Vestlitoppen brl Tveita brl Solfjellet brl Ammerudlia brl Supported by Groruddalssatsningen:​ Thank you: Roy Tjomsland, Hallvar Witzø, Raymond Gangstad, Johannes Dahl, Kari Andresen, Jon Erik Berger, Gunnar Paulsen, Veronica Skaret

postheadericon Snow Photography and Special Effects (DSLR Tutorial)

Snow Photography and Special Effects (DSLR Tutorial) Video Clips. Duration : 7.50 Mins. In this instructional how-to DSLR photography video tutorial on snow, you will see how to create long exposure special effects using falling snow, a DSLR camera, tripod, and persistence. Song: "Crystal" by Vlue

postheadericon Weather Report - Heavy Weather (Full Album).wmv

Weather Report - Heavy Weather (Full Album).wmv Video Clips. Duration : 37.78 Mins.

Track listing "Birdland" Zawinul "A Remark You Made" Zawinul "Teen Town" Pastorius "Harlequin" Shorter "Rumba Mamá" Badrena, Acuña "Palladíum" Shorter "The Juggler" Zawinul "Havona" Pastorius Personnel Joe Zawinul -- 2 ARP 2600 on all tracks except "Rumba Mamá", Rhodes electric piano on all tracks except "Birdland", "Rumba Mamá" and "Havona", Yamaha grand piano on "Birdland", "Harlequin", "The Juggler" and "Havona", Oberheim polyphonic synthesizer on all tracks except "Rumba Mamá", "Palladíum" and "The Juggler", vocal on "Birdland", melodica on "Birdland" and "Teen Town", and guitar and tabla on "The Juggler". Wayne Shorter -- Soprano saxophone on all tracks except "A Remark You Made" and "Rumba Mamá", and tenor saxophone on "Birdland"", "A Remark You Made" and "Palladíum" Jaco Pastorius -- Electric bass on all tracks except "Rumba Mamá", mandocello on "Birdland" and "The Juggler", vocals on "Birdland", drums on "Teen Town", steel drums on "Palladíum" Alex Acuña -- Drum set on all tracks except "Teen Town" and "Rumba Mamá, congas and tom-toms on "Rumba Mamá", and handclaps on "The Juggler" Manolo Badrena -- Tambourine on "Birdland", congas on "Teen Town", "Rumba Mamá" and "Palladíum", vocal on "Harlequin" and "Rumba Mamá", timbales on "Rumba Mamá", and percussion on "Palladíum" and "The Juggler" Production Joe Zawinul -- Producer and orchestrator Jaco Pastorius -- Co-producer Wayne Shorter -- Assistant producer Ron Malo -- Engineer Jerry Hudgins -- Assistant engineer ...

postheadericon The Amazing Proposal

The Amazing Proposal Tube. Duration : 18.40 Mins.

Richard Taveras and Shana Rutten had discussed the idea of marriage in the few years that they had been dating, but Shana had no idea of what she was in for on a random Saturday in August of 2011. Richard spent two full months planning in secret to re-create Shana's favorite show - The Amazing Race - in New York City with all of her friends. Although almost no one knew that he was proposing, Richard had been laying out this special day for Shana with the ultimate goal of asking for her hand in marriage and starting their lives together. This is the story of Shana's Amazing Race! Additional details on the proposal will be posted to

postheadericon Canon 6D vs Nikon D600 - 'Super Middleweight' championship

Canon 6D vs Nikon D600 - 'Super Middleweight' championship Tube. Duration : 9.60 Mins.

Hands on with both of the new 'entry level' full frame offerings. Includes focus, build, and more. TO see high ISO performance & individual reviews: Canon 6D: Nikon D600: Take control of the light: Story telling: _______________________________ Featuring Ms Tina Yong (aka Speed Demon) _______________________________ Connect with me @ That Nikon Guy! Subscribe: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @lensporn Official Website: _______________________________ Get Your Gear Out! Workshops T-Shirts: Mailing List: _______________________________ My Second Channel Photography Supplies Australia | Digital Camera Warehouse: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Adorama: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Amazon:

postheadericon top wedding photographer

top wedding photographer Tube. Duration : 1.05 Mins.

wedding photography in northumberland by check it out over 200 images in 45 seconds! 2012/13 wedding packages start from just £595 including disk of images - end- Wedding photographer Northumberland, portrait photographer Tyne ... Northumberland wedding photographer...

postheadericon New Order - Taras Shevchenko (Live in New York, 1981.11.18)

New Order - Taras Shevchenko (Live in New York, 1981.11.18) Tube. Duration : 52.50 Mins.

Cgi Artist [Computer Graphics] -- Carter Burwell Design -- Peter Saville Associates Other [Construction] -- Shamberg/Rebo Partnership Other [Image] -- Rebo Associates Photography By -- Ronny Kienhuis Producer [Sound] -- Be Music Live at The Ukranian National Home, New York City/November 18 1981 An IKON/FCL release ©+℗ of Ikon New York / Ikon FCL 1983. 53 mins. "ICB" is incorrectly listed instead of "Chosen Time". "Little Dead" is incorrectly listed instead of "Denial".

postheadericon You Know You're Filipino When (PART 2)

You Know You're Filipino When (PART 2) Video Clips. Duration : 3.58 Mins.

Available in 3D! Cast: Aaron Himor Chris Tomas James Micael James Lazaro Rumohr Christine Puentes Directed by: Aaron Himor Director of Photography: James Lazaro Rumohr Edited by: Aaron Himor Written by: Fobkids Comedy Special Thanks to: Lewis/Puentes Residence Audio file(s) provided by

postheadericon Time Lapse - Astrakhan 2012 (Andrew Zakharov Photography)

Time Lapse - Astrakhan 2012 (Andrew Zakharov Photography) Video Clips. Duration : 3.52 Mins.

Andrew Zakharov Photography

postheadericon The Street Fighter - Episode 5 - TGS

The Street Fighter - Episode 5 - TGS Video Clips. Duration : 6.68 Mins.

New Episodes of The Street Fighter every TUESDAY and THURSDAY! ***** Keep Ahead of the Game, Subscribe to The Game Station Now! Watch The Complete Street Fighter: EPISODE 1 (feat. Ceciley and Liam Kyle Sullivan): EPISODE 2 (feat. iJustine, Beck Bennett, Liam Kyle Sullivan, and Kassem G): EPISODE 3 (feat. Ceciley and Liam Kyle Sullivan): EPISODE 4 (feat. Ceciley and Liam): EPISODE 5 (feat. ShayCarl): EPISODE 6 (feat. DeStorm, Kyle Mooney, Alex Farnham, Beck Bennett): ***** Check out our Facebook page for more The Street Fighter info: Extras: "Level Up" "Behind the Scenes" "Director Layne Pavoggi Gaming Show LAYNE ON" "The Street Fighter Teaser" "Street Fighter Lore in One Minute" "Retro Hardware: CPS3 Street Fighter" Want more TGS? Find us here: Facebook - Twitter - Tumblr - Google+ - https ***** Directed by Layne Pavoggi Written by Aaron T. Umetani Executive Produced by David Sievers Produced by Aaron Zaragoza Associate Producer - Phil Chea Associate Producer - Nathan Kitada Director of Photography Jon Na Starring: Clarke Kohler as Phil ( Lisa Foiles as Camile ( Gus Kamp as Ryan Kassem G. as Dan ( Ceciley Jenkins as ...

postheadericon Dolphin "Stampede" Super-Pod Encounter

Dolphin "Stampede" Super-Pod Encounter Tube. Duration : 2.28 Mins.

Explorer Mike Horn and Photographer Chase Jarvis encounter a rare "super-pod" of dolphins off the coast of South Africa. Thousands and thousands of dolphins give Chase and crew a mind-blowing photo and video opportunity. // Follow Chase on Twitter: // Follow Mike on Twitter: // Follow Chase's blog: // Music by Zoë Keating: -- buy this music here on iTunes

postheadericon Speed Arts - Winter | Photo Manipulation

Speed Arts - Winter | Photo Manipulation Video Clips. Duration : 3.72 Mins.

Read Please. Tweet it - (SOON) Twitter - Playlist - About: Hi Guys/Girls this is a speed art i did called Winter i know it is a bit since i uploaded a photo manipulation but here it is i hope you all like it i went with a winter theme cause christmas is coming and it is winter duh. and yeh over christmas im going to be spending time with my family and wont be much on youtube hope you all have a great christmas with your family and enjoy. -Gunnar ●Recording - 1Hour, 27Min & 54Sec ●Name - Winter ●Final Image - ●Music Used: Rundfunk - A Long Night ●Link: ▼ support him here ▼ •Follow Rundfunk •Follow Stardust Records --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stalk me. Donate, Help me get better equipment - (Optional) YouTube - Facebook - Twitter - Vimeo - Portfolio -


ANGRY BIRDS CUPCAKES - NERDY NUMMIES Video Clips. Duration : 8.30 Mins.

Today I made Angry Birds cupcakes!! I really enjoy making nerdy themed goodies. I'm not a pro, but I love baking as a hobby. Please let me know what kind of treat you would like me to make next! FOLLOW ME HERE Facebook: Twitter: BIG THANK YOU Monstercat Media for the song "Pump It" AWESOME SAUCE CREW Director of Photography: Michael Schmidt Editor: Michelle Shelton Opening Credits: Michael Schroeder

postheadericon I Can Be Your Gardener (Enrique "Hero" Parody)

I Can Be Your Gardener (Enrique "Hero" Parody) Video Clips. Duration : 3.52 Mins.

I wrote this song during my stay in Botswana for 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure Enrique would be proud, but then again... I'm him. Produced & Recorded by: Michael Balalis Director of Photography: JJ La Britt

postheadericon Dan3.0 - Iowa!

Dan3.0 - Iowa! Video Clips. Duration : 5.87 Mins.

In which Dan and Danielle go on a date in Iowa! Carbonite: Dan on Twitter: Dan on YouTube: Music courtesy of "Mars Argo":

postheadericon Decode the Scene GAME - Jeff Bridges Joe Pantoliano John Hawkes MOVIE CLIPS

Decode the Scene GAME - Jeff Bridges Joe Pantoliano John Hawkes MOVIE CLIPS Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Jeff Bridges Joe Pantoliano John Hawkes MOVIE CLIPS click to subscribe Andy (Jeff Bridges) bands the town together to make a porno and introduces his friends to Emmett (Patrick Fugit). TM & © Millennium Entertainment (2012) Cast: Jeff Bridges, Tim Blake Nelson, Joe Pantoliano, Ted Danson, William Fichtner, Patrick Fugit, John Hawkes Director: Michael Traeger MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel: Join our Facebook page: Follow us on Twitter: Buy Movie: Producer: Laura Greenlee, Andrew Hildebrand, Malcolm Ritchie, Aaron Ryder, Jill Tandy, Colleen Woodcock, Mark Woolley, Robert D. Cain Screenwriter: Michael Traeger Film Description: A man down on his luck hatches a different kind of get-rich-quick scheme in this independent comedy. Andy Sargentee (Jeff Bridges) is a middle-aged divorcé who is down in the dumps after the departure of his wife, Thelma (Jeanne Tripplehorn), and son, Billy (Alex D. Linz). The fact that Thelma's new hubby is quite wealthy only makes things more troubling for Andy, and he keeps thinking that if he had more money he could be back in her good graces. One night, while knocking back drinks with his friends, Andy has a brainstorm -- pornography is big business these days, so why not round up the local talent and make an adult movie? Andy persuades his friend Barney (Tim Blake Nelson) to sign on as co-producer, and they start putting together a crew, including Emmett (Patrick Fugit), a kid with a video camera who becomes director of ...

postheadericon TUTORIAL - creare un'azione - Photoshop - di Dagan mind

TUTORIAL - creare un'azione - Photoshop - di Dagan mind Tube. Duration : 2.83 Mins.

quest'oggi vi spiegherò il modo più facile e veloce per creare un azione con photoshop in modo da poterla riutilizzare quando vogliamo e su quante foto vogliamo con un semplice click :D PROGRAMMI NECESSARI adobe photoshop adobe bridge se vi è piaciuto il tutorial mi raccomando non dimenticate di cliccare sul tasto iscriviti e sentitevi liberi di commentare con richieste, critiche, apprezzamenti o quant'altro. Ringrazio Niccolò Granieri per la sottotitolazione in inglese seguitemi su FB TWITTER o @DaganMind EMAIL:

postheadericon Advanced Sharpening and Noise Reduction in Photoshop

Advanced Sharpening and Noise Reduction in Photoshop Tube. Duration : 6.37 Mins.

MORE: This Sharpening procedure creates stunning high definition images on press while reducing unwanted image noise. Basic sharpening techniques in Photoshop CS5 create unnecessary noise in midtone sections. This Sharpening procedure creates stunning high definition images on press while reducing unwanted image noise. • Now the sharpening amount, in Unsharp Mask, is how much the adjoining pixels are affected. I like to go real high on this number, anywhere between 150 and 200. For this tutorial, I'm going to select 200 and it's a high number but keep in mind we're only affecting those images in the selection itself. • You'd want to keep the radius, in Unsharp Mask, anywhere between half a pixel to one to one and a half. If you go any thicker, you'll create a severe halo effect around your images. • Our threshold, in Unsharp Mask, determines which pixels are sharpened and which are not. A higher threshold value means that there's a huge contrast difference between pixels that are affected If you're getting Red Edges or getting the opposite areas sharpened, see this VIDEO on what you need to adjust: Image: Monte Nagler

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

postheadericon Tehsmarty's Horror Corner - Episode 1 (Fatal Frame 2)

Tehsmarty's Horror Corner - Episode 1 (Fatal Frame 2) Tube. Duration : 9.35 Mins.

So, Respawn gave me the okay to start uploading the horror corner episodes to my YouTube channel! Now you can watch them at your two favorite places! To start things off, smarty plays one of the games he considers to be the one of scariest games of all time next to amnesia: Fatal Frame 2. A game in which you fight ghosts with nothing but your camera. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here are some links for you to click on: Smarty's Second Channel: Smarty's Blip Page: Smarty' Facebook Group: Smarty's Twitter: Smarty's Videos on Blistered Thumbs: Smarty's page: Smarty's Formspring: Also make sure to visit:

postheadericon ➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 35 - Fetching Females

➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 35 - Fetching Females Tube. Duration : 23.15 Mins.

See The Full Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Show Here! ➜ ➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 35 - Fetching Females In this episode Chris Jay takes saves some hookers and moves on to Bibi and her troupe. =-=-=-=-= Director =-=-=-=-= By Chris Jay: http: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ►Dead Rising 2: Off The Record ▼ At Captivate 2011, Capcom's annual press show, the company announced that it was releasing Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, as a reinterpretation of the game with Frank West from the original Dead Rising as the main character. The game was released for the same consoles on October 11 in North America, October 13 in Japan, and October 14 in Europe for a discount retail price. Off the Record is intended as a complete reimagining of Dead Rising 2, with new missions, cutscenes, environments, enemies, and weapons. The photography mechanic from the first Dead Rising is also included. There are technical and system upgrades, such as optimization of loading times and improved network performance. Off the Record also features a new sandbox mode. This allows players to explore Fortune City without the obstacle of time. Off The Record has received mostly positive reviews, with the changes and additions both praised and panned. Developer ➜ Capcom, Blue Castle Games Publisher ➜ Capcom Genre ➜ action-adventure horror-comedy Release Date ➜ October 11th, 2011 Platforms ➜ Xbox 360, PS3, Microsoft Windows ...

postheadericon This Week in Music - Photographer Anna Webber

This Week in Music - Photographer Anna Webber Video Clips. Duration : 63.22 Mins.

This week we have rock photographer Anna Webber. For more information, show notes, and an upcoming schedule, go to

postheadericon The Street Fighter - Episode 4 - TGS

The Street Fighter - Episode 4 - TGS Tube. Duration : 6.57 Mins.

New Episodes of The Street Fighter every TUESDAY and THURSDAY! ***** Keep Ahead of the Game, Subscribe to The Game Station Now! Watch The Complete Street Fighter: EPISODE 1 (feat. Ceciley and Liam Kyle Sullivan): EPISODE 2 (feat. iJustine, Beck Bennett, Liam Kyle Sullivan, and Kassem G): EPISODE 3 (feat. Ceciley and Liam Kyle Sullivan): EPISODE 4 (feat. Ceciley and Liam): EPISODE 5 (feat. ShayCarl): EPISODE 6 (feat. DeStorm, Kyle Mooney, Alex Farnham, Beck Bennett): ***** Check out our Facebook page for more The Street Fighter info: Extras: "Level Up" "Behind the Scenes" "Director Layne Pavoggi Gaming Show LAYNE ON" "The Street Fighter Teaser" "Street Fighter Lore in One Minute" "Retro Hardware: CPS3 Street Fighter" Want more TGS? Find us here: Facebook - Twitter - Tumblr - Google+ - https ***** Directed by Layne Pavoggi Written by Aaron T. Umetani Executive Produced by David Sievers Produced by Aaron Zaragoza Associate Producer - Phil Chea Associate Producer - Nathan Kitada Director of Photography Jon Na Starring: Clarke Kohler as Phil ( Lisa Foiles as Camile ( Gus Kamp as Ryan Kassem G. as Dan ( Ceciley Jenkins as ...

postheadericon ➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 4 - Finding Zombrex

➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 4 - Finding Zombrex Tube. Duration : 10.05 Mins.

See The Full Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Show Here!!! ➜ ➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 4 - Finding Zombrex In this episode Chris Jay heads over to Uranus Zone and checked out the vaults. After that he heads on over to Roy's Mart and finds some Zombrex then takes Denyce with him. =-=-=-=-= Director =-=-=-=-= By Chris Jay: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ►Dead Rising 2: Off The Record ▼ At Captivate 2011, Capcom's annual press show, the company announced that it was releasing Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, as a reinterpretation of the game with Frank West from the original Dead Rising as the main character. The game was released for the same consoles on October 11 in North America, October 13 in Japan, and October 14 in Europe for a discount retail price. Off the Record is intended as a complete reimagining of Dead Rising 2, with new missions, cutscenes, environments, enemies, and weapons. The photography mechanic from the first Dead Rising is also included. There are technical and system upgrades, such as optimization of loading times and improved network performance. Off the Record also features a new sandbox mode. This allows players to explore Fortune City without the obstacle of time. Off The Record has received mostly positive reviews, with the changes and additions both praised and panned. Developer ➜ Capcom, Blue Castle Games Publisher ➜ Capcom Genre ➜ action-adventure horror-comedy Release Date ➜ October 11th, 2011 Platforms ...

postheadericon Accurate focus for self portraits

Accurate focus for self portraits Video Clips. Duration : 2.12 Mins.

How to focus your camera to take a self portrait or to film yourself - simple tip that really works. _______________________________ That Nikon Guy! Subscribe: Community Forum: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Official Website: _______________________________ Get Your Gear Out! Workshops T-Shirts: Mailing List: _______________________________ My Second Channel Photography Supplies Australia | Digital Camera Warehouse: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Adorama: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Amazon:

postheadericon Brother Ali - Writer's Block (prod. Jake One)

Brother Ali - Writer's Block (prod. Jake One) Video Clips. Duration : 3.38 Mins.

Download "Writer's Block" : Buy Writer's Block on iTunes: Amazon: Video Directed by Dave Wilson Director of Photography: Ryan Thompson Connect with Brother Ali Twitter: Facebook: Fifth Element: Rhymesayers: Connect with Jake One: Twitter: Facebook: Fifth Element: Rhymesayers:

postheadericon Watsky- IDGAF

Watsky- IDGAF Video Clips. Duration : 3.90 Mins. FREE NEW MIXTAPE DOWNLOAD SUMMER TOUR TICKETS Music producer: Kush Mody Engineered, mixed and mastered by Nils Montan Cuts by DJ Zo @zomanno Additional synthesizers: Max Miller-Loran Director: Kyle Morrison Director of Photography: Alan Gwizdowski Production Designer: Natalie Groce Producer: Cara McKeown Producer: Brad Simpson Editors: Kyle Morrison, Alan Gwizdowski, and Ben Molyneux Visual Effects: Alan Gwizdowski Shadow puppets: Ralph Buenconsejo 1st AD: Ngoc Ho 2nd AD: Iden Baghdadchi Wardrobe and Makeup: Maggie Dillon Art Department: Jack Reed Art Department: Emily Grant Art Department:: Kalie Achenson Rigging: Augy Plotquin 1st AC: Lowell Meyer B Camera Operator: Ben Molyneux Gaffer: Jeff Kulig Key Grip: Arthur Hong Stunt Coordinator: Mike Dempsey (Bear Punch) Zombie Sock Monkey: Leah Herder Yeti: Kevin Dowell Skeletor: Muhummad Saigol Werechild: Norton "Fritzie" Leufven Verse 1 Cause I'm a bachelor So Fuck attachin a label to life we're living and imagine a future where we won't be living in the past I'll be flipping birds like a chicken breast on a spatula so if you're bragging then you can forget it And if it thunders and if it rains and pours, let it And in the morning then it'll hit you that George said it They gave him a fuck, he returned it for store credit but don't be sore yet If you got a score, settle it cause it's more pleasure with Fun before etiquette Get up on the table and pour ...

postheadericon Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden - "Mitchell Men" - Ep. 4.4

Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden - "Mitchell Men" - Ep. 4.4 Video Clips. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

Season 4 (Summer of '96 Continued), Episode 4. Life post-divorce is not-so-fresh and not-so-fun for Colin, as he adjusts to living with just his Dad. And of course, Colin's "social network" has been at work, with his friends talking about his situation over their phone tree... which leads to Colin getting an unexpected visitor (... um, his old crush shows up?!) --- Season 1 of OJBG is now in "The Vault"! Don't worry! To get your fix, you can purchase the episodes and the script eBook here: If you're in the DC area, you can watch OJBG on DCTV on Mondays and Saturdays at 10:30pm EDT on Comcast 95 / RCN 10 / Verizon 10! Ultimately, Otessa, the creator of OJBG, believes that Season 2 is a great place to start with the series as it was always envisioned as a better/stronger/bolder season and gives a better sense of the show to come. --- Website: Twitter Facebook: Telly, LA Web Festival, and Webby honoree award winning teen web series following the lives of 18 kids as they grow up and get down in grunge-era Washington DC. "The bad things we do. The things we get caught for--and how they are never the same." --- Directed by Nikki V. Roberts Writing credits Otessa Ghadar creator Episode Cast (in credits order) Clayton Pelham Jr. ... Colin (as Clayton Pelham) AD Garrett ... Mr. Mitchell Billie Krishawn ... Brianna Episode Crew Produced by Otessa Ghadar .... producer Cinematography by Gene Ertel (director of photography) Film Editing ...

postheadericon Build Your Brand on G+ - Google+ Photographer's Conference

Build Your Brand on G+ - Google+ Photographer's Conference Video Clips. Duration : 62.33 Mins. Produced by KelbyTraining http

postheadericon Hillsong-- With Everything

Hillsong-- With Everything Tube. Duration : 7.93 Mins.

Phenomenal, powerful song from Hillsong's recent release, This Is Our God, put to unbelievable photography of creation, complete with lyrics. Enjoy and be edified. :)

postheadericon Macklemore and Ryan Lewis - My Oh My (Official Video)

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis - My Oh My (Official Video) Video Clips. Duration : 4.40 Mins.

In memory of Dave Niehaus (1935-2010). All proceeds benefit the Rainier Vista Boys and Girls Club. Video Directed by Jason Koenig ( Video and Music Produced by Ryan Lewis Lyrics Written by Ben Haggerty Music Written by Noah Goldberg, Ryan Lewis Piano by Noah Goldberg Trumpet by Owuor Arunga Trombone by Greg Violin by Andrew Joslyn Cello by Danah Olivetree


"SUPERLUV" MUSIC VIDEO by SHANE DAWSON Tube. Duration : 6.58 Mins.

Get "SUPERLUV!" on iTunes here: Thank you guys SO much for all your support. I am so lucky to have you guys in my life. I love you!! :) Want a chance to win props from the SUPERLUV video or a Google Hangout with me? Go to to find out how! Get "SUPERLUV!" SHIRTS here: You can also Shazam the video to buy the song! Lyrics by Shane Dawson , Eric Goldman, Michael Corcoran Music by: Eric Goldman, Michael Corcoran Produced by: Eric Goldman, Michael Corcoran Cover by: Heather Landis MY SOCIAL NETWORKS Facebook ‪ Twitter ‪ Google+ MY YOUTUBE CHANNELS I have 3 channels! Check em out! :) *Main Channel* ‪ *2nd Channel* (vlogs & extras) ‪ *iPhone Channel* (daily vlogs) ‪ CREDITS Produced by Lauren Schnipper Directed and Edited by Matt Silverman Director of Photography: Seth Johnson Production Design: Hillary Gurtler Costume Design: Helena Falangus Hair/Make Up: Samantha Ward 1st Assistant Director: Chad Nicholson 1st AC: Allison Loquian Gaffer: Alex Evans Production Assistants: Samantha Arnet, Nick Foiles, Ian Havermale, Tom Lareau Cast: Switch: Shane Dawson Brenda: Bree Essrig Bad Guy: David Greene Bad Guy Posse: Sawyer Hartman & Peter Greathouse www.petergreathouse ...

postheadericon Canon 6D - Hands on review

Canon 6D - Hands on review Tube. Duration : 9.72 Mins.

Hands on with the new 'entry level' full frame camera from Canon. Includes focus, build, high ISO & more. It is nice - but is it a little 5D or a big 7D? _______________________________ Featuring Tina Yong: _______________________________ Connect with me @ That Nikon Guy! Subscribe: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @lensporn Official Website: _______________________________ Get Your Gear Out! Workshops T-Shirts: Mailing List: _______________________________ My Second Channel Photography Supplies Australia | Digital Camera Warehouse: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Adorama: Photography Supplies Worldwide | Amazon:

postheadericon Park It Up - Magic

Park It Up - Magic Tube. Duration : 4.75 Mins.

Reckless Tortuga Presents.... Park it Up Meet one of your loyal Parking Enforcement Officers... Directed By: Clark Huff Produced by: Alex Barad Written by: Alex Barad Luke Baybak Starring: Luke Baybak Michael Jedrzejewski Henry the Lizard Crew: Clark Huff - Director of Photography Christopher Steidle- Camera Operator Christopher Steidle- Sound Callan Stokes - Wardrobe Russell Kato - Editing

postheadericon ➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 41

➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 41 Video Clips. Duration : 17.13 Mins.

See The Full Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Show Here!!! ➜ ➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 41 In this episode of Dead Rising 2, Chris Jay takes the battle to Sgt. Boykin and saves Rebecca again. =-=-=-=-= Director =-=-=-=-= By Chris Jay: http: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ►Dead Rising 2: Off The Record ▼ At Captivate 2011, Capcom's annual press show, the company announced that it was releasing Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, as a reinterpretation of the game with Frank West from the original Dead Rising as the main character. The game was released for the same consoles on October 11 in North America, October 13 in Japan, and October 14 in Europe for a discount retail price. Off the Record is intended as a complete reimagining of Dead Rising 2, with new missions, cutscenes, environments, enemies, and weapons. The photography mechanic from the first Dead Rising is also included. There are technical and system upgrades, such as optimization of loading times and improved network performance. Off the Record also features a new sandbox mode. This allows players to explore Fortune City without the obstacle of time. Off The Record has received mostly positive reviews, with the changes and additions both praised and panned. Developer ➜ Capcom, Blue Castle Games Publisher ➜ Capcom Genre ➜ action-adventure horror-comedy Release Date ➜ October 11th, 2011 Platforms ➜ Xbox 360, PS3, Microsoft Windows ...

postheadericon Amazing bokeh photo technique

Amazing bokeh photo technique Video Clips. Duration : 12.40 Mins.

In this video I demonstrate how to create bokeh by using the correct camera settings and then use that knowledge to capture a stunning festive photograph. Photography is only half the story, so after the shoot follow me in to Photoshop CS6 where he'll edit his RAW image into the final shot using Adobe Camera RAW. Gear used in the video: Canon 5D Mark 2 Canon 24-105mm L f/4 USM Vanguard Alta Pro 263AT Tripod Vanguard GH-100 Grip Head Kingston 32GB CompactFlash Ultimate 600x Adobe Photoshop CS6

postheadericon Friday UK - Deebo 'What you got for me' [S12]

Friday UK - Deebo 'What you got for me' [S12] Tube. Duration : 1.23 Mins.

Please Subscribe to Upshot TV - Download Friday UK Soundtrack - Link 1 - Link 2 - Sebastian Thiel Presents an Upshot TV Production 'Friday UK' - A UK spinoff of the Classic 'Friday'. This video has been made as a UK Tribute to the American cult classic 'Friday'. There will be no full feature film of Friday UK, but we do hope you enjoy this spinoff trailer and future clips released. Major respect to all the original creators of Friday, for creating such a classic. @SebastianThiel @ItsUpshot --- Babatunde Aleshe As Craig Jones Tolu 'Tboy' Ogunmefun As Smokey Adot Comedian As Big Worm KG The Comedian As Deebo Frieda Thiel As Joi aka Hoochie Momma Dionne Reid As Dana Jones Wale Ojo As Mr Jones Kat Boyce As Ezal Simply Andy As Pastor Clever Alesha Charmaine Pryce As Debbie Sharea Samuels As Felisha Mr Cee As Red Kyla Frye As Miss Parker Edward Kagutuzi As Lil Chris Aaron Fontaine As Hector Michael Salami As Dice Camera Assistant - Michael Williams Make up & Prosthetics By Redd Head Photography By Michael Williams Casting By Sebastian Thiel Edited By Sebastian Thiel Sound By Luke Hollingworth Behind the scenes By AMillzee & Ashraf Production Runners -- Elizabeth Rufai, Jonelle Williams Produced by Abiola Rufai Executive Producer Sebastian Thiel Cinematography By Amarjeet Singh Music By Jay Weathers, Gus Miller, Dionne Reid - 'Here I Come', Incisive - 'Go Cisive' , Fr3e - 'Tribal Skank' Photography By CoCoRoCOCO Written ...

postheadericon Weekend Project: Macro Photography on a Budget

Weekend Project: Macro Photography on a Budget Tube. Duration : 4.17 Mins.

Pringles-can lens extender produces dazzling ultra close-ups for peanuts. Get the PDF for this project here: More great projects at:

postheadericon ➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 8 - Alive on Location

➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 8 - Alive on Location Video Clips. Duration : 10.22 Mins.

See The Full Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Show Here!!! ➜ ➜ Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Walkthrough Part 8 - Alive on Location In this episode Chris Jay does case 1-2 Alive on Location and he got himself a very nice set of overalls. =-=-=-=-= Director =-=-=-=-= By Chris Jay: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ►Dead Rising 2: Off The Record ▼ At Captivate 2011, Capcom's annual press show, the company announced that it was releasing Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, as a reinterpretation of the game with Frank West from the original Dead Rising as the main character. The game was released for the same consoles on October 11 in North America, October 13 in Japan, and October 14 in Europe for a discount retail price. Off the Record is intended as a complete reimagining of Dead Rising 2, with new missions, cutscenes, environments, enemies, and weapons. The photography mechanic from the first Dead Rising is also included. There are technical and system upgrades, such as optimization of loading times and improved network performance. Off the Record also features a new sandbox mode. This allows players to explore Fortune City without the obstacle of time. Off The Record has received mostly positive reviews, with the changes and additions both praised and panned. Developer ➜ Capcom, Blue Castle Games Publisher ➜ Capcom Genre ➜ action-adventure horror-comedy Release Date ➜ October 11th, 2011 Platforms ➜ Xbox 360, PS3, Microsoft Windows ...

postheadericon Minecraft Mod Showcase - "MINECRAFT CAMERA MOD" ("MINECRAFT PHOTO MOD - PHOTOGRAPHY MOD")

Minecraft Mod Showcase - "MINECRAFT CAMERA MOD" ("MINECRAFT PHOTO MOD - PHOTOGRAPHY MOD") Tube. Duration : 11.37 Mins.

★★★ Play on my Minecraft server! IP: ★★★ An epic mod that lets you make cameras and custom paintings in Minecraft! Check out my new website: My main channel Download this mod: (tell them I sent you!) Background music produced by: Racks on the Beat

postheadericon Aventure suivie Minecraft : Constructions - EPISODE 09 - Timelapse et Salle des coffres

Aventure suivie Minecraft : Constructions - EPISODE 09 - Timelapse et Salle des coffres Tube. Duration : 30.53 Mins.

OUVRE MOI C'EST TROP FUN TKT ____________________________ La playlist des épisodes: Episode 09 - Timelapse + Salle des coffres + Nouveaux joueurs Bienvenue à tous! Nouvelle série sur Minecraft mettant en avant le thème de la construction. Bien entendu nous ne laissons en aucun cas de côté la survie et le combat, pour cette aventure qui s'annonce longue. Le jeu sera mis à jour tout le temps au fur et à mesure des épisodes. Version du jeu: 1.4.6 ____________________________ SPAMEZ LE POUCE BLEU ! ;) TWITTER: S'ABONNER: Merci pour votre soutient. Toxic

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