Monday, 31 December 2012

postheadericon Happy New Year! Here's Some Photography Resolutions For 2013

Happy New Year! Here's Some Photography Resolutions For 2013 Tube. Duration : 7.68 Mins.

It's resolution time again. As 2012 ends and 2013 comes into our viewfinder many of us make resolutions for the new year. Well, in addition to the usual ones of "lose weight" or "get in shape" how about some photography related resolutions? As for me, there are a few things I want to accomplish photography-wise: 1. Take as many photographs as possible. 2. Purchase some new equipment, a fast-prime lens (24-35mm) as well as a macro lens so I can try my hand at photographing little things. For Mark's Photography Spot: 1. Focus the channel on helping the typical person take better photographs 2. Do as many equipment reviews as possible with the reviews focusing on whether or not you're getting your money's worth when purchasing new equipment. 3. Build some interactivity into the channel. My suggestions for your own photography resolutions: 1.Resolve to get your camera out of "Auto"-Take the time to learn about the other modes of your camera such as shutter-priority, aperture-priority and "Manual" so that you can learn how to "drive your camera" as much as possible. 2. Resolve to shoot as much as possible-Get in the habit of taking a camera with you wherever you go and start looking for opportunities to make photographs 3. Be critical of your work-Really look at your photographs and decide what you do and don't like about them then try to improve the next time you go out. That's about it. I'm excited for 2013 and I hope y'all have a safe and Happy New Year! If you like what ...


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